About the game Tera Online

Tera Online
TERA (Reduction fromm The Exiled Realm of Arborea) — Mass multi-user role-playing online game (MMORPG), developed by the South Korean company Bluehole Studio.The game was published in South Korea on January 25, 2011, in North America – May 1, 2012, in Europe – May 3, 2012, in Russia – February 26, 2015.The publication of the game each time preceded the stages of closed and open beta testing.In these regions, publishers are NHN Entertainment, En Masse Entertainment, Gameforge and Destiny Games, respectively.During the transition of the game to the financial model Free-to-Play in February 2013, the name of the game was replaced by TERA: Rising.The Russian version was originally launched according to the Free-to-Play system.
In September 2014, the name of the game was replaced by the TERA: Fate of Arun simultaneously with the release of update, in which the maximum level of the character was increased and a new game content was introduced.According to May 2017, the game had more than 26 million users on a PC and, according to May 2018, 2 million users on game consoles.The Russian server of the game was closed on June 1, 2020.
TERA presents typical for most MMORPG opportunities such as quests, craft and PVP.The game uses a fighting system in real time with a third -person view.To select the goal, the player must continuously direct the sight-re-reveration instead of highlighting with a mouse or enemes the enemies of the key (this possibility is called the developer “non-Target”).The player also needs to actively evade attacks aimed at him.To control the character, the player can use the keyboard and mouse or gamepad.
The game character may be one of the seven races that are part of the Valkion Federation.Each race has a set of unique “racial skills”, which gives them small advantages.
Tera developers took part with CCP Games in the development of a very successful PLEX system for the Eve Online, designed to reduce the interest of Goldsellers in the game.As a result, there was a Chronoscrolls virtual currency in TRA, which worked in a similar way: a player for Chronoscrolls could buy a subscription for a game or exchange for the actual currency – gold.The ability to use Chronoscrolls was provided only by those users who bought an electronic or physical edition of the game, the owners of the trial version did not have access to this virtual currency.
Two principles, Arun and Shara, the titans of unimaginable power, met in a shapeless void.It is not known why, Arun and the ball plunged into sleep and see dreams.While they were sleeping, the exiled Kingdom of Arborea began to appear around them more and more noticeably.Currently, their bodies are formed by two continents, of which the exiled Kingdom of Arborea consists of.
While the titans continue to sleep, their dreams are embodied.The first 12 God -like residents of TERA appeared from their dreams, between whom a terrible war soon passed.
Arun and the ball are still in a state, similar to sleep, and the first mortals were embodied from their dreams.Mortals and gods fought with each other in large sacred wars, as a result of which most gods were killed, imprisoned, or were destroyed in another way.Some mortals were also destroyed, but others survived to this day.Most races in TERA are included in the union that counteracts external threats to the world.
The creation of the game was started immediately after the founding of Bluehole Studio in 2007.Officially, “Work on the game with the code name Project S1” was announced in 2008.The start of developing the game was fraught with a scandal.NCSOFT, a noticeable player in the MMORPG market, turned to the police in early 2007 with a statement on Bluehole Studio on the theft of the source code of the Lineage 3 game, which was then at the early stage of development.NCSoft estimated his losses in US $ 1 billion. In 2009, the court granted the corresponding claim, recognizing the correctness of NCSOFT.By a court decision, a number of high -level managers Bluehole Studio were subject to imprisonment for a period of 8 months to 1.5 years with a deferred execution of 2 years, as well as a fine of 10 million Korean won, although the company itself was not proved.According to Bluehole Studio, this solution will not affect the TERA development schedule.
Before launching TERA in North America in 2012, the American unit NCSoft filed a lawsuit against En Masse Entertainment, the American unit of Bluehole Studio, demanding to impose a court prohibition on the publication of the game in the United States in view of “the use of confidential information related to the Lineage 3 project”.However, this did not interfere with the release of TERA in the American market in a timely manner.
When publishing a game in each region, the publisher established a different age limit.So the original Korean version of the game has a limitation of 18+.The American rating agency ESRB installed the rating “M” for the local version of the game, that is, from 17 years.However, the European publisher of the game, Frogster Interactive, acting at that time, considered it necessary to expand the potential audience of the game at the expense of younger players, which required redrawing part of the graphics for the European version.Despite the discontent caused by this change among the players, the publisher did not abandon his plans, and the European version of the game received a 12+ rating from PEGI and USK agencies.The Russian version, according to the publisher, is based on the original Korean version of the game and the introduction of additional censorship is not planned.The rating of the Russian version is 18+.
In September 2013, the game in North America and Europe changed the financial model on Free-to-Play, at the same time the name was replaced by TERA: Rising.According to the developer, after this update, restrictions on playing time, level or content for free users will not be introduced.Players who have paid the “elite” status for 30 days will receive increased rewards in dungeons, discounts inside the game, as well as the privileges of metigers associated with the new financial model.The previously noted Chronoscrolls were no longer offered to buy, with the help of them the payment of subscription became impossible.The existing Chronoscrolls could be sold to the NPC game.
The Japanese and Korean versions of the game switched to the Free-to-Play model in December 2012 and January 2013, respectively.